Friday, June 30, 2006

The Sound of One Penny Stock Clapping

I just want to add a note about comments.

I'm generally not a reader of comments on other people's blogs, but I have noticed that people love to comment. I've seen some blog entries post in the morning and get 137 comments by midday. And they'll be about someone's dog or kitchen remodel or something (which I am not above, believe me).

But me, I get either nothing or I get some ad about how you can work from home and earn a newly enhanced penis just by investing in penny stocks. Oh yeah, there was that time anonymous sent me a message with a racial epithet. So what gives?

Now, there are those who say comments are stupid, and I generally agree. Most comments - such as, "Exactly" or "You are so right" - are unnecessary. But my readers (that's right, I'm boldly using pluralization because I have faith that there is more than one of you) are intelligent people (also, going on faith) who must have something to say. Someone must at least want to call me an asshole or something, anything. Am I right?

Well too bad, because now it's personal. Don't comment. I don't want to hear it. I'm perfectly comfortable with my spam and my silence.


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